Friday, November 7, 2008

Italian Hillside Memories

I did this watercolor in 1975, while I was in Italy. I was the guest of some rich friends who were renting a villa in Port'Ercole, a resort town on the central west coast of the peninsula. I had my art materials with me then as I do now, and I remember sitting on the terrace of their villa doing this view. I did a drawing in water-soluble pencil first and then put watercolor over it. Over the years the paper has turned yellow. You can see the Mediterranean in the upper right of the picture, but I didn't color it blue, because I was called away for some other activity and never finished the picture. I also did the same view in colored pencils and that sketch is still in my archives somewhere. 

My father is home from the hospital and on antibiotics. My mother is trying to take care of him as best she can but he is still too weak to move around and he really needs to be in a convalescent home. He is angry and nasty (as always), and with treatment and rest he seems to be more coherent and alert. There's not much I can say to him, though I still try. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your father. I hope that things get better soon.
