Here's another one of my architectural detail sketches, done in Cambridge in the mid-80s. This one's about 5 inches square. I would use tiny scraps of illustration board left over from cutting the pieces for larger artwork. I sketched on site using a Rapidograph pen filled with brown ink. I don't use Rapidograph much any more, since they were so hard to maintain. Faber-Castell's "Pitt" pens are my sketcher of choice. As with the other drawings, I would note the colors with water-soluble colored pencils, then go home and add watercolor to it.
In other news, By-Product readers are now invited to visit the revamped and modernized Pyracantha main website at There is art to see, and the companion art blog to this one, "Quality Art Product." There is also a music section. Other sections are still in development. Profuse thanks to my Webmistress for her patience and skill.
The new site looks great. Very clean. However I can't seem to find an RSS feed for your "finished art" blog. Is there one there that I'm missing?