Thursday, April 9, 2009

Maple Leaf Cookies

One of my latest efforts for Trader Joe's advertises the indulgently rich and irresistibly delicious Maple Leaf Cookies. These are shortbread sandwiches in the shape of a leaf, filled with buttercream maple flavor frosting. They remind me of the maple sugar candies of my New England youth. I can only properly eat one at any sitting though if left alone with the box I would eat them all. My life in Gourmetland is a constant battle between buttery temptation and vegetable virtue. But I don't think "Spinach Leaf" cookies would be so popular.

The "Maple Leaf Cookies" ad is done on painted foamboard, carved and stuck together with all-powerful doublestick tape.

This sign is an "Art By-Product," as it is a commercial effort not created for gallery, show, or collectors; an ephemeral thing here today gone tomorrow. To see real Art Product, please go to my "Quality Art Product" Weblog where you can see my latest Serious Art Work. 

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