Friday, April 17, 2009

Tree Flowers

My studio occupies what would be the living room of my apartment. The living room space has a big window out onto the terrace, and this is what I see out the window. I am lucky to have trees and an uphill road rather than a parking lot and the other apartment buildings. Every year I make drawings and photographs of the scene. I did this one for the first time in Photoshop on my studio laptop, while looking out the window. It looks deceptively like autumn but the red clusters are maple flowers, along with the opening buds of new leaves. It is finally spring.

Botanical postscript, added later: Those red clusters are not maple flowers, but bunches of winged seeds and bright new leaf shoots.


  1. OK, you know how I feel about "computer/digital art" so I have a question for you. Does it feel the same doing digital as it does doing it by hand? You know what I mean I hope. When I create something by hand I feel a ceratin way when I have finished something. Also, the picture has a different "feel" to me when I look at a digital work compared to a hand done one.

  2. Tristan:

    The answer to your question is complex. It feels different to do it, but the output can look the same as if you had drawn it with conventional media. In this drawing I used a small Wacom tablet with my laptop. The laptop is not as powerful as my main system so there is about a second's lag between making a stroke and seeing it up on the screen. You might not think a second or two matters but it does. Also a Wacom tablet despite being a technological marvel, has a slick (it looks lightly "frosted") surface and so your stylus moves across it with hardly any resistance, even if you press hard. This would be something that some artists won't like at all. I don't have the time-lag when I'm using my main computer, also my main Wacom tablet is larger. As for the look, it is possible to create digital work that looks exactly like conventional work but you have to work hard to get it that way. I fight with Photoshop (or "PhotoSCHLEP") all the time. Lazier artists or those working in a commercial genre, want the ultra-slick look and most digital art is just too smooth, which is why you can recognize it. There are ways around that. I intend to do both conventional and digital work.
