Wednesday, April 1, 2009

You Could Work Here

These are two more of the "message" signs that I've been doing for the register area at Trader Joe's. Trader Joe's is always looking for good people. Even in this lousy economy, they are hiring. No matter how bad the economy gets, people still need food, and even more if it's got some cheerful cuteness along with it. The red oval is meant to look like the Trader Joe's name badge that all the "crew" wears.

Need a gift for someone really picky? Someone who has everything? Someone whose house doesn't need any more cluttery items? Get them a Trader Joe's gift card. Maybe they'll share some goodies with you.

As with the other signs I've been doing this year, these are in a Late 50s-early 60s style that says "Retro-Sophistication!" It's fab.

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