Friday, October 9, 2009

Stanford University Chapel

In April 1985 I was the art guest of honor at a small convention in Oakland, California called "Fantasy Worlds West." In those days Marion Zimmer Bradley was well enough to host a convention of her fans, and I was known as a "Darkover artist." So I went out to California only for the second time in my life, dragging my art with me.

After the convention I visited with friends who lived near Stanford University. I got to tour the beautiful campus with them and do some drawings. This is one of them, done inside the Memorial Chapel. This Byzantine-style building was wrecked during the earthquake of 1906 but they rebuilt it and it looked like a background to one of the magical-religious scenes from a Katherine Kurtz Deryni story.
Ink marker on sketchbook page, 5" x 8".

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