Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Orange Puffy Boots for God

I wore these orange puffy boots at DarkoverCon during Friday afternoon and evening. I matched them with a blazing orange tunic and sash. Drawing is colored in Photoshop. DarkoverCon is one of the few places and times when I can indulge my love of putting on costumes. These boots were made by the "Rocket Dog" fun shoe company and are no longer available. They are for "apres-ski" wear though that situation ("apres-ski") won't ever apply to me. NO SNOW! As is my tradition, I switch my theme color to purple during December, which is the Catholic/Anglican time of "Advent" or the four weeks before Christmas. Catholic/Anglican priests wear purple vestments at services during this time. I am a Catholic Christian, but I don't do much devotional or service activity. At least I can show forth the colors.


  1. I saw those boots on you at Darkover! And "boots for God"? shouldn't they be purple in that case?

  2. Tristan, if there had been a purple copy of the boots, I would definitely have bought them. God loves Orange, too. I believe that color and design are part of our spiritual lives.
