Supernovas leave a lot of debris behind when they explode. This is good, because we are made out of elements created in supernovas. The high pressure and radiation of the explosions form heavier elements out of the remains of the stars and casts them into space, where they eventually coalesce to become more stars with their planets around them. And from those environments, life evolves. Take it from there, and they build telescopes and computers and talk about supernova debris. This image depicts glowing gases of different kinds in a supernova blast area.
My 35 mm slide transcriptions have improved a lot since I started using a compressed air squirter on the slides to remove the dust. I suppose it also helps that I started with the oldest and least well-preserved images and am now working on comparatively later images. There is a point at which I stopped doing these space pictures, though I did a few of them recently for some convention art shows.
"After the Supernova" is the usual, September 1991.
The blue cloud area looks like a translucent cloth across the sky! nice!