Monday, June 14, 2010

Canary Diamond Star

What, no, not another blue nebula picture! The By-Product can be so boring! At least there's one bright yellow star in the picture, hence the title, "Canary Diamond."

I think maybe only a few people are looking at this anyway, such as my faithful fellow artist Tristan, and musician Mike, and, uh, a couple more friends...and those Chinese spammers. Most of my comments are Chinese spam, placed there by humanbots paid to move through the web solving "captcha" security letters and putting spam posts with nonsensical sayings and a click-on ad for Chinese porn.

Just think of how much porn is produced and marketed in the world and on the internet. Trillions of dollars are made because people want to see other people having sex or doing sex-related things. Evolutionary psychology explains everything, that the huge prevalence of porn is related to optimizing sex drives and fertility (especially among males) and satisfying the demand for evolutionary fitness even when evolutionarily fit partners are not available or not willing to copulate without increased stimulus (such as viewing porn). If pornography increases the number of live births among porn users, then it is serving its evolutionary purpose. If it does not increase the number of births among porn users, then there is another evolutionary adaptation at work for which I cannot generate suitable explanatory bullshit.

And that's my sermon for today!

"Canary Diamond" is (the usual), June 1991.


  1. I like this! The yellow star does make it work!
    I also wanted to say I noticed the formate change for your blog. I think I like the old look better...but I also like to change things, rearange the room etc. So, I understand the change.

  2. I am still reading, and you don't know me from Adam. :-)

    I am not the biggest fan of the nebula art, though. It seems hard to compete with the actual photographs from the various giant telescopes, where the sense-of-wonder is compounded by the fact that it's real, and has nothing at all to do with humans.

    I rather liked the flower/nebula combinations, on the other hand, just for the juxtoposition of cold-distant-beautiful with intimate-fragile-beautiful. And I like the starry abstracts.

    I didn't like abstract art when I was younger, but then I decided that if a sunset or a cluster of leaves could look beautiful without looking like something else, why not a pattern on canvas? Since then I've come to like abstracts better than most representational art.

    Although I am still a sucker for portraits and illustrations.

  3. Mary: These pix were done in 1991, just after the Hubble was launched (and it was defective for a few years). I realize with humility that the real nebulae revealed by the Hubble are far better than anything I could paint, although I don't like the false colors that the Hubble people add to the space pictures.
    I will keep doing abstracts because people like them. They are quite easy to do in digital media. But what I really want to do is fantasy illustration and character portraits, especially from my own work, so that's what I want to concentrate on. But it takes time, and I don't have much of that these days. I will have to be a better planner.
