Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Noshir the nouergist

Noshir Atar-ban was one of the nouergists ("techno-mages") who served as relief workers after the catastrophic earthquake in Eridu. (See the April-June entries in my Noantri blog.) He is of the Aurian ethnicity, though he lives as an exile from his own country. Aurians occupied Eridu after the earthquake and put him in a difficult political situation. Eventually he had to leave Eridu rather than risk his hostile countrymen.

He is a mining engineer by occupation, using his powers to locate and extract resources from the earth. Though he uses high technology and nouergic powers in his work, he appreciates the direct action of a simple shovel.

Photoshop colored ink drawing, original about 4" x 9", June 16, 2010.

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