Monday, June 28, 2010

Unreal City

This is the first Photoshop sketch I have done on the new iMac. All these little color fragments are produced in Photoshop's "scatter" mode which the previous computer hesitated on. Bizmac powers right through it. When I think of how much calculating work it takes to make this type of thing, I am awed and amazed. The clouds were done with "pre-set" shape makers, too. But I added the lightning bolt by hand. We could use a bit of that right now here in well-heated Midatlantica. The air conditioning goes all night long these days. The computer is also hot if you touch the top of it. I love the look and feel of brushed aluminum which is what the iMac's case is made of. I hope my creative output is worthy of this 21st century marvel.

"Unreal City," Photoshop, 10" x 7", June 27, 2010.

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