Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Enlil Techno-mage frame

Yesterday you saw Enlil the techno-mage in his seaside studio. Here's another Enlil-in-studio image, this one from my graphic novel. It's from a rather dark-colored page where spy stuff is going on. This is my first attempt at coloring an ink drawing from THE FLAMING RAMPARTS, in Photoshop. It's hard to keep the layers separate and maintain the integrity of the drawing. When I started RAMPARTS in 1999, I didn't have the capability to color the graphics digitally. I will still color with watercolor at least until Chapter 2 is done. I'm only going to show this one frame because I have not decided whether to release RAMPARTS as a webcomic. I would like to actually publish it on paper with real graphic novel production values.

Frame is 3 1/2" x 4 1/2", second frame on the top row.

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