Sunday, January 9, 2011

Winter Wining

For "Wine Saturday" I visited Unicorn Winery in Amissville, VA., about an hour's drive from my home. I've encountered Unicorn's wines at wine festivals but this was the first time I visited their winery. As usual it's in a place that's beautiful even in the winter. The wine lodge is near a pond (now frozen over) and the vineyard rows, twiggy and leafless in winter, come right up to the winery grounds, as you can see in this drawing. In my Virginia wine experience, I have found Unicorn's line of wines to be some of the best I've tasted. Especially nice was their "Table Rock" white blend, of which I bought a bottle. You can see a bit of "Table Rock" in the lower left part of this sketch I did of their grounds, through the window of the wine tasting lodge. While I was sipping wine, there was a snow flurry, which I added to the sky.

The original of this sketch is ink with colored pencil shading, but my intent was to color the drawing in Photoshop once I got home. So what you see here is a mix of ink, colored pencil, and Photoshop transparent colors and textures, with white sparkles of snow added in digitally as well. Size is about 8" x 11".

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