Thursday, May 12, 2011

Most recent figure drawing

There was live model drawing again on Wednesday night at Falls Church Arts. Our model this time was an athletic, trim, elf-like girl who could easily pose for someone from a fantasy tale. This drawing was from one of the longer poses, about 20 minutes. I think it's pretty good, though I may have made her torso too narrow. Also, there are too many straight-ish lines in my drawing...another example of how my drawings of people look like buildings. And yet I am trying to reproduce what I see. Should I exaggerate the curves and make her look more voluptuous? I would give that a try if I had more life drawing time. There's one more session left and then I must search further afield for more opportunities to draw from live models. I know of some other arts groups who do life drawing, so I will have more chances to do figure studies. An artist can never have enough of this practice.

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