"Wine Saturday" took me (after much aimless driving around the beautiful Virginia countryside) to Piedmont Vineyards in Middleburg. As with all the other wineries, Piedmont is situated in a green and beautiful park-like environment, with many historic or picturesque buildings on the site. The air is filled with birds and their calls. Wine can be sipped in the tasting room and on the open deck. They have a nice variety of wines there, and the standout for me was their "Native Yeast" Chardonnay. This sounds a bit on the biological side, but it makes a creamy, rich Chardonnay given a distinctive touch of oak as well. I took my glass of golden Chardonnay to my car where I sat doing the color drawing up above. As usual I attracted some visitors who were fascinated to watch art sketching being done. After I finished the color one I found a better view of a pyramid-roofed farm structure (a corn crib, for storing animal feed) which I drew with my brown technical pen.
I will never be able to do buildings like you, but maybe someday I will start drawing things outside in real life like you!