Saturday, December 10, 2011

Winery interior

Since I was out in Leesburg placing pictures with the Gleedsville Gallery, I might as well go to a winery. I went to Casanel, where I am familiar by now. Nelson, the colorful Brazilian character who runs the place, offered me a complimentary glass of his excellent Cabernet Sauvignon. After the sip, I took out the wine-loving iPad and did this detail sketch of the wall and mantelpiece of the tasting room. You can see the craggy stonework of the wall, a small window, part of the mantel, and a black armchair on which rests a red pillow with a white snowflake embroidered on it. It's all very homelike. I wish they had a bed and breakfast inn there as well so I could sip more wine and then just go over to the inn rather than drive home. As is, I have to "de-wine" myself before I can drive. Winter wining is much more difficult than other seasons because it gets dark before you leave the winery and then you have to slowly pick your way through long dark country roads to get back to the main highway.

iPad sketch of interior is Autodesk Sketchbook Pro, December 9, 2011.

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