Sunday, February 19, 2012

The View from Veramar

Saturday, February 18, was "National Drink Wine Day." And who am I not to celebrate such a day? My friends and I headed out to Veramar Vineyard, a winery in the hills of the Shenandoah, for a lot of tasting and sipping. It was so warm for February that we were able to sit outside on the winery's terrace, where I drew this view on my iPad. You can see some twiggy, leafless vines in a row at the bottom of the picture.

I added tree fullness and details and corrected the color in Photoshop after I returned and downloaded the picture. Armand Cabrera admitted in the workshop that he finishes his outdoor paintings in the studio sometimes. If it's good enough for Armand, it's good enough for me.

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