Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Differently Abled Heroes

This was my cover illustration for a thin paperback anthology of three fantasy/SF stories starring disabled, or "differently abled," heroes. "Worthy Foes" was published by the long-gone "Obelesk Books" (the spelling is theirs) based in northeastern Maryland. I did some black and white covers for them in the mid-'90s. This cover features the heroine of a story by Lela Buis. The main characters in the story are a couple of adventurers and mercenaries who do secret missions for anyone who hires them. The woman of the couple is a quadriplegic who depends on an elaborate exoskeleton to move. But the exoskeleton is a futuristic design which gives her ultra-speed and strength. In the story, she is forced to save herself while she is deprived of the exoskeleton. In my drawing, she is waiting to encounter bad guys while in a modern hotel complex.

"Worthy Foes" cover is black ink on Strathmore illustration board, 8" x 12", October 1995. Published in January 1996.

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