Wednesday, May 30, 2012

More Balticon Sketches

Here are more sketches from Balticon. I sat in the "midway" of the artists' area or at another place where people gathered, and drew them really fast. The woman with hands put together and the harpist, below, are from the book launch party I attended, for "Galactic Creatures." 

A musical note here. The science fiction/fantasy community is very musical. They love to sing and play and drum. But their music is all folksy or singer-songwritery, or Celtic. Fan music doesn't sound futuristic at all. As an electronic music fan and occasional electronic music maker, I wish there were more synthesizers and theremins and sound-mashing in the science fiction world, and more electronic ambient performances. Where are the old psychedelic sounds when we need them? Just glue gears on it and call it Steampunk? I need MORE REVERB. 

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