As I have mentioned before, I used to hang out with a group of science fiction/fantasy fans and gamers in the Philadelphia area. I didn't play their games, but I illustrated them. "Aurona", a character in one of the games, was commissioned as a birthday present for one of the gamers. Another of the group, who had a tall model's figure and some ballet training, posed for the image. I did this illustration, as my notes say, on one of my friends' kitchen table, with my portable ink and watercolor kit.
I am no longer in touch with any of my Philadelphia friends, except for a rare encounter at a convention, so I don't know what happened to any of the illustrations I did for them. But their characters and their games are now brought back to life on this By-Product, long after the originals have been forgotten.
"Aurona" is ink and watercolor on rough watercolor paper, about 8" x 10", June 1986.
Love the flaming sword!