Saturday, June 23, 2012

Leesburg Porch with Resident

I brought the Big Painting to Leesburg on Friday, to have it photographed at the gallery I frequent. I will pick it up next Friday and I'll have a high-resolution file that I can present here and on other internet venues. Of course I also did some drawing in the town, because it is filled with old architecture that I love to draw. This is part of a row of houses just a few blocks away from the town center. I decided to include the utility lines on this one. The hedges in front had engulfed some of the chainlink fence in front of them. If you look closely in the lower center of the image you can see the tiny figure of one of the residents of this house, who came out to sit on the porch and have a smoke while I was drawing.

Pitt technical pen on sketchbook paper, about 7" x 6", June 22, 2012. Some corrections were made in Photoshop.

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