Friday, August 10, 2012

Mexican Menu Dr. Who

This menu board's photograph is even worse than the others in the series, suggesting to me that I took it at a later date. I believe that this Dr. Who sign may have been a replacement for a sign that got destroyed or given away. I don't remember everything, it was a while ago. In those days (c. 1980) Dr. Who was a novelty here in the USA, running on "Public Broadcasting Service," (still known as PBS) and it was just beginning to get popular. The episodes we watched were those where Tom Baker played the Doctor, so that's Who is on the sign. I loved Tom Baker's character and stopped watching the show when he left it. Note the "Tardis" craft as blue phone booth to the right side of the board. This board in public view probably violated copyright, but since it was only a piece of fan art nobody bothered about it.

"Dr. Who" menu sign is markers on posterboard, 21" x 13", early 1980. Magically restored in Photoshop.

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