Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mexican Menu Luna Park

I have written in earlier posts about my old friend R. and her Heinlein-inspired imaginary world of "Luna Park." This was a role-playing world shared between myself, the artist, and R., who didn't write it but made stuff up. R. asked me to make a menu board from our lunar mallworld, and this saw plenty of action in the underground restaurant before I retired it from service and gave it to her. This is a diagrammatic view, which shows not only the domes on the lunar surface but the midway-like mall and pneumatic coasters which travel between levels. I also enjoyed making the graffiti-inspired type for the menu sign. 

The original piece was destroyed and this is my only record of its existence. I'm glad I was able to restore the faded old photograph with the magic of Photoshop.

Markers and some taco sauce on posterboard, 21" x 13", winter 1980.

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