Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Mexican Menu Reggae

I paid homage to all kinds of music in my Paco's Tacos menu boards. I admit to having missed some important genres, such as classical orchestral and chamber music, or Broadway musicals, or jazz, or even country music. Country just wasn't that popular in Boston, anyway. I also ignored the music of the rest of the world, mostly, except for this foray into Jamaica and the very popular sound of reggae. Here I depicted a Rastafarian vocalist doing his thing along with a drummer and an invisible band. Note the many "herbal leaves" in the background. In the lower right is my bad interpretation of the Ethiopian Lion of Judah, along with the tricolor of the (proposed) "African-American flag." I tried to make the typeface look like Ethiopic writing, about which I knew nothing.

Markers on posterboard, 21" x 13", winter 1980.

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