Monday, October 8, 2012

Work Break Figure Study

The weather was cold and rainy so I didn't take my iPad outside on my work break. Instead I worked on this figure study using a printout from the Art Models 6 collection as my model. I wanted to work on light, shadow, and color. My work break is a half an hour so this is as much as I can do in that time. I also transferred the image from the iPad to my main system and did some work on it on Photoshop when I got home. Ideally I would be able to work this figure up into a highly "realistic" rendering, similar to academic realism, but I would need more than half an hour. 

This model is a fine arts model. She is not a pin-up. But once I have a realistic, solid-looking technique, I will import those skills into the more exaggerated pin-up style. I am not giving up my quest to digitally paint people, especially beautiful girls and fantasy ladies. I'll just keep charging up my iPad. The  nice thing about digital painting is that you do not clutter up your studio with dusty drawings and sticky painted panels.

"Art Studio" app on iPad, 1/2 hour, some work done later in Photoshop.

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