Thursday, January 10, 2013

Coffeehouse Shadows

A new coffeehouse has opened next to my workplace, "Caribou Coffee." This chain dares to rival Starbucks and it has certainly gotten my break-time business since the nearest Starbucks is only accessible by crossing a very busy, traffic-filled major highway. Caribou has got a lifelike imitation fireplace and some very nice comfy chairs to sip in. On Wednesday I took my iPad in there and did a sketch of the young lady across from me. She was mostly in shadow except for the blue-ish light from her cellphone illuminating her face. This "soft" sketch style is not my usual style but I only had ten minutes to make my drawing, while drinking coffee and eating a fudge brownie at the same time. Must have more drawings, fewer brownies. 

"Art Studio" on iPad, January 9, 2013.

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