Friday, January 25, 2013

Temple of the Primarch

How do you convey the image of a huge cavernous space when you can only make a tiny drawing in your sketchbook? This is my attempt so far to portray one of these humongous scenes that so often occur in the Warhammer game universe and storybooks. A "Primarch" is a godlike being created by the Emperor of All Mankind to lead his superhuman Space Marines in perpetual battle. The throne of the Primarch is at the end of the temple and the tiny antlike specks on the floor are humans and humanoids. A giant black robot guards the temple at left. More efforts at this type of stuff will follow as my time permits.

Grayscale markers and Pitt pens on sketchbook page, about 8" x 3 1/2", January 2013.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say in the thumbnail it realy does have that vast space look! Hard to do but you did it!
