Friday, February 8, 2013

More Cambridge Architectural Details

I guess February is "Architectural Detail Month" at the By-Product. If not Historic Falls Church, mundane Cambridge in the early 1980s. I used to wander around my neighborhood with my drawing stuff and a folding stool, and if I didn't have a huge amount of time, I'd just draw a part of a house, a detail or color or cornice that looked nice. This was one of them. In New England you find houses with wooden shingles on their walls instead of siding or brick. And it was just fine to paint the shingles red. I used to meet the cats of the residents on the porches and have a little friendly conversation with them. 

Ink and watercolor on Bristol board, about 4" x 7", 1980. Reverently restored in Photoshop. I still have this drawing somewhere, along with many more like it. If I try to find it though, I will have a clutter explosion as stuff packed in my closet expands under pressure.

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