Saturday, March 30, 2013

Amber characters

Amber again...This is an illustration of an event in Zelazny's SIGN OF THE UNICORN, the second book in the original Amber series. In this scene, Corwin, in the center wearing black, convenes a meeting of his royal brothers and sisters to find out whether one of them might have committed a murder. There are nine characters in the illustration and each one has a Tarot trump portrait which I had already depicted some years before this piece. I think someone suggested to me that this scene would make a good illustration, though it was not  a commission. It's got a lot of details so I have posted it here larger than I usually do with pictures. Click on the picture to see the different princes and princesses. From left to right, Gerard, Benedict, Random, Llewella (sitting with a book in the back), Corwin, Deirdre, Fiona (red-haired gal in green) Julian, and Flora. The hanging flags and tapestries reflect the heraldic symbols and colors of some of the characters. The portrait above the fireplace is that of the King of Amber, the characters' father.

Amber library scene is ink and acrylic watercolor on illustration board, 15" x 11",  summer 1982. Clikonthepic to see it larger.

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