Sunday, April 14, 2013

Early Spring landscape, Molon Lave winery

"Wine Saturday" was at Molon Lave Vineyards and Winery, near Warrenton, VA. I've been there a number of times to taste and sip. Today I sipped their excellent Chardonnay and bought a bottle of their Chambourcin, a light, spicy red. Molon Lave is run by a Greek family and they also run a sister winery, "Mediterranean Cellars," at which you can drink retsina, the famous Greek style wine tinged with pine resin. The day was glorious, perfect early spring weather, and the lawns were turning green though the vines had no leaf buds yet. I wanted to draw my usual winery landscape but I found that I had forgotten my iPad stylus. I tried to fill in some colors with my finger but I needed more precision than that so I left the rough drawing unfinished and then finished it in Photoshop with some reference help from a photo I took of the scene. Yeah, Armand Cabrera, outdoor painting master, wouldn't have done it that way. Next time I better have that stylus with me.

iPad Art Studio and Photoshop, April 13, 2013.

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