Monday, June 24, 2013

Pale Psychedelia

An old client returned to commission me to do some design work for him. He needed a background for a Powerpoint presentation on some very esoteric physics speculation. He wanted something with a spiral in it and a sort of "fractal" look. This is my first draft for the background. It has to be pale and low-contrast so that the type in the foreground will be readable. I'm not sure whether this is what he wants; it got a bit psychedelic or even eerie-creature-ish. I can always do another with the infinitely generous resources of Photoshop. 

Design is in Photoshop, about 11" x 8 1/2", June 23, 2013. This design was done on my laptop with Photoshop and a Wacom "Bamboo" tablet and stylus.

My main computer is back in action but it has to be re-stocked with Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and the other programs I need to do my computer work. And then I'll put back all the images and documents that used to be there. Right now it's like working with a whole new computer.

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