Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Rainy Day in Paradise

In my never-ending search for Paradise, I re-visited Paradise Springs Winery near the little resort town of Clifton, Virginia. The weather got rainy as I drove through confusing suburban roads trying to find Paradise. When I finally got there it was raining steadily. Nevertheless the winery was packed with people, some at a private event but most of them jammed inside the building drinking and eating and making a lot of noise. The crowd was more dense than usual because they couldn't go outside with their drink and food. I managed to find a place to sip their Petit Manseng (slightly sweet white wine) and drew a few sketches, including this one which shows the multitude and the rain falling in the landscape. 

Ink on sketchbook page, about 6" x 6", September 21, 2013.

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