Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tanith Lee Death's Master

Tanith Lee is a British author who wrote decadent, gothic-romantic, detail-filled tales of demons, magical ambisexual youths, mad magicians, barbarian warriors, beautiful mostly naked women, and sensuous healer witches. Y'know, the good old stuff. Back in the prehistory of the early 1980s, I read a lot of her writing, especially since it was made available in the USA by the prolific sf/fantasy publisher DAW Books. There was so much to be illustrated in Lee's work that I couldn't help but do art from it. Some of these were meant to be portfolio pieces, like this one here. 

This is from Lee's DEATH'S MASTER, first published in 1980. It's a fantasy on the decadent main characters including the ambisexual Sinimi, his beautiful but evil girlfriend, and Azharn the Blue Demon. Sinniu holds the elixir of immortality in a glass perfume bottle. Like Gene Wolfe's "New Sun" series, Lee's work is well worth re-visiting.

"Death's Master" is acrylic on Masonite, 9" x 15", February 1981. Click on the image for a larger view.

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