Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Wine Pages

It's time to share with my handful of faithful, what I've been working on artistically for much of this year. You've all seen my wine sketches, which I do at wineries I visit. Well I've been putting them together in graphic-designed pages which will be gathered and published in a wine art book. You can see how I'm putting together a page from this example. Each winery trip gets a page. The backgrounds are done in Photoshop while the images are done by hand, scanned and incorporated into the page design. Then I add bits of text, including the winery's name and its website.

The title of my book will be "The Earthly Paradise: A sketch journey among wineries of Virginia." I will be self-publishing this. I am just beginning to work out the details of printing it with a private printing company. When it's done I hope to sell it at wineries and independent bookstores, along with other places that might be appropriate. 

The theme of the book follows the four seasons as seen through winery scenes. The one above is a summer theme, as is the one below. Some of the pages will not have a specific winery, just a scene from the winery's grounds or view. Of course grapevines and vineyards will show up in most of my pages. The final book will have about 50 pages (single sides on back to back pages). At the moment I have a few more to go and then I must compose a title page, back page information, etc.

The one below comes from Piedmont Vineyard in Middleburg, but I am not featuring my drawings from Piedmont because it is no longer active and has been abandoned. 

These pages are 8 1/2" x 11", a composite of Photoshop and scanned drawings in ink and colored pencil. Click on the pix for a closer view.


  1. Looking good...you may want to consider doing 2 volumes of the book to keep the cost down. Fewer pages for each book. And once the first is published and selling you can more easily afford the second (and use the first to promote the second volume). Just a thought!
