Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Back from Massachusetts

I'm back from my old home state, after a very stressful week. The memorial concert for my father went very well. I have never seen so many of my cousins in one place. I revisited the places where I made electronic music with my father, and even saw the Buchla synthesizer that I used, which is still working and in use forty years later.

I didn't get to draw very much but I managed to do this one while on a trip to downtown Natick for family finances at the bank. I was rather uncomfortably balanced in the driver's seat of my car while parked in the bank's back lot. These rather Germanic structures are on the main street in Natick. The tower and arched windows are the old firehouse and firehouse tower, which is now used as an arts and performance center. Many years ago, when the place was still a firehouse, I was told that the tower was a practical necessity because wet fire hoses were hung vertically in the tower to dry after use on a fire. 

Massachusetts has a lot of attractive vernacular architecture especially wood-frame houses with porches which I always love. Since Natick is not on the ocean, we are spared the obligatory lighthouse which defines New England art. 

Pitt black ink technical pen on Moleskine page, 4" x 5", September 27, 2013.

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