Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Autumn Trees study

I must have had a lot of time on my hands in 1998. I filled my journal, or daybook, with highly detailed colored pencil drawings of things I encountered or saw, week after week. This is one drawing from about this time 15 years (!) ago. It's the same technique I use for my winery drawings but with more pencil work and less ink. My 1998 journal did not contain any fantasy pictures, just studies from "reality." I didn't visit wineries back then, but I went to festivals at which there were wine tastings. In 1998 I didn't have a regular day job but worked on freelance architectural renderings for the ultra-luxury market. In those days giant multi-million dollar mansions were springing up like mushrooms. Many of these now sit empty and uninhabited in rich neighborhoods where the golden leaves fall. This view was out my non-luxury window.

Colored pencil, about 4" x 4", October 30, 1998.

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