Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sunset Hills Sunset

I recorded this autumnal scene from the wine deck of Sunset Hills Vineyard, my destination for "Wine Saturday." I sat there freezing; I regret to say that it is now too cold outside to do outdoor sketching, at least for me. Other stalwart sketchers go all winter long, wearing layers of wool and fingerless gloves. I am just not that dedicated. This is done on the iPad or the WinePad as I might call it. Note the golden fall leaves on the vine rows in front. The wine was good and the place was very crowded as Sunset Hills was celebrating its fifth anniversary. I want to commend the servers who kept the wine flowing at the tasting locations, especially Maria who was able to stay cheerful and friendly in the middle of winey chaos.

"ArtStudio" app on the iPad, some details added in Photoshop later, November 2, 2013. Click for larger view.

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