Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Hotel interiors are some of the bleakest environments I've ever been in. They are not impoverished or depressing or destroyed, but they are character-less and incredibly boring. I think hotel designers do this on purpose so that you stay only as much as you need to rather than actually liking the place. This is true for the venue of DarkoverCon/future Chessiecon. It is a huge, hangar-like atrium furnished with comfortable but aesthetic-free furniture and decorations. The scene above shows one of the few views that is not devoid of interest. The garden umbrella, still up in November, is at least a touch of leisure, and the table in front actually does have a tea station on it. The great bleak space is by now filled with pathetic Christmas decorations and plastic Christmas trees. As an equal-opportunity sketcher who will draw anything, I found this water dispenser to be worthy of my sketchbook.

Pitt technical pen on sketchbook page with greyscale markers, some adaptation in Photoshop. December 1, 2013.

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