Monday, December 23, 2013

Kelson, the Deryni King

I've been illustrating the work of my friend Katherine Kurtz for years…decades in fact. She has written an extensive collection of books set in her medieval fantasy world of Gwynedd, and I have been following them with drawings, paintings, and fan art. This piece is a portrait of Kelson, the teenage king of Gwynedd, whose Deryni wizard heritage and powers as a magical king surface in Kurtz' first trilogy. I will openly admit that Katherine's magic and magical world were a major influence on my own world of the Noantri, although mine is set in a modernist era. And so far there are no exploding volcanoes in Katherine's tales of magic and adventure. 

King Kelson is ink on illustration board, 8 1/2" x 10", May 1993. It would be interesting to colorize this drawing in Photoshop but it would be a lot of work too.


  1. Very nice, great inkwork. Hand colored would be nicer and easier than digital :)

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