Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Reduced Guilt

Why would potato chips make you guilty? Is it the fat or the salt or the carbohydrates or the crunch? Why is food so dangerous? I don't see why a mostly harmless little bag of crisps would ruin your life. But I trespass into perilous territory here. This is the "winter" edition of a standard store sign background, advertising the now-less-dangerous potato chips which are baked not fried, with less fat and less guilt for the crunchy New Year. Even Byzantine monks could eat them. 

Markers on white card stock, 7" x 5", December 30, 2013.

1 comment:

  1. It's because regular potato chips are considered 'bad' for you and therefore you aren't supposed to eat them without feeling guilty. Our society just doesn't get the idea of moderation.
