Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Yaz at bat, July 1973

My entry for July 1, 2013 covers in detail how my father and I and a friend attended a baseball game between the Red Sox and the Milwaukee Brewers, who were at that time in the American League. I took my sketchbook and drew pictures (which I finished and colored at home) at the game, including this one which depicts Carl Yastrzemski at bat. You can see how he scratches in the dirt around home plate with his foot, a pre-hitting ritual, while the catcher and the umpire look on. Red Sox uniforms looked quite different in those days. No one in 1973 would believe me if I told them that by 2013, 40 years later, the Red Sox would have won THREE World Series championships. 

Graphos sepia ink and watercolor on sketchbook page, about 4" x 8 1/2", July 1, 1973.

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