Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Ireland views 1980

In 1980 I won an art contest based on Anne McCaffrey's "Dragons of Pern" series. I wrote about it on this Blog years ago. I went to Ireland, with a friend who was delighted to come along on this paid trip for two, in the fall of 1980. We drove around the Emerald Isle visiting historic places and drinking in pubs. I had some colored pencils with me (or perhaps I bought a little set in a shop there) and did some landscape studies from memory in my journal. Through the marvels of Photoshop I can retrieve and restore those faded drawings and share them with you. I would go to Ireland again but it wouldn't be my first choice because it is so wet and cold there. 

Drawings of Irish countryside from memory; colored pencil on sketchbook page. Top drawing, about 7 1/2" x 2 1/2". Lower drawing, about 8" x 3 1/2". October 1980.

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