Sunday, January 26, 2014

Noantri Navy

I don't think I've ever depicted a warship, other than perhaps a miniature Viking ship on an old name tag. This little sketch came about because I was speculating on what kind of naval capabilities my imaginary Noantri would have. Which of their countries had the resources to maintain a sea-going fleet? These two are from Khemi, home of the Khemaru, whose national symbol is the gold circle that you see on the bows.

These are not big battleships, but medium-size cruisers built for fast response and interception of smugglers and pirates. They are well-armed and equipped but not with big cannons. They are loaded with electronics and sensors and spying gear, as well. 

The two ships look like they might be on a collision course but they will straighten out and sail parallel very soon. They are on the Middle Sea (Mediterranean) hence the brilliant blue of the water. They don't look very "futuristic" as Noantri design is more functional than aesthetic.

The ship in the background is named the "Orphamuthis," and the one in front is named the "Nesdepseron."

Black ink and color markers, about 7 1/2" x 3", January 26, 2014.

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