Saturday, January 18, 2014

Stock Sorceress

This little figure is an experiment in media and adaptation. The image comes from a delightful book which features nice photos of fully costumed stock fantasy characters doing classic action poses. You get a Barbarian Warrior, an Exotic Princess, an Elven Warrior, a portly Cleric, a Wicked Sorcerer, an Elven Queen, and lots more characters. It's called "The Fantasy Figure Artist's Reference File" by Peter Evans. The costumes are movie-quality, since Evans works in the film world as a costumer and prop maker. The actors are obviously having fun doing this, too, taking dramatic poses and mugging facial expressions. The players are also racially and physically diverse, which is a good thing. 

I adapted the book's "Sorceress" for this sketch. I'm not too pleased with it but that is what sketches are for. The images are helpfully offered on a companion CD so you can work directly from the screen if you want to.

Ms. Sorceress is technical pen brown ink and markers on sketchbook page, about 3 1/2" x 5 1/2", January 18, 2014.

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