Sunday, February 2, 2014

Otium Cellars wine lodge interior

I revisited Otium Cellars for "Wine Saturday." Otium is one of my favorite wineries in all of Northern Virginia. Not only do they have very nice wine and beautiful views and buildings, they have a menagerie of charming critters such as a rescued (and tame, according to the owners) wild boar, chickens, two cats, an Irish Wolfhound, and a set of glorious horses. While sipping I saw a rider taking lessons as well as other equines moving between stables. I hope I can draw these creatures outdoors when the weather gets warmer. I wanted to make a detailed drawing of their tasting lodge since I am still restricted by cold to interior scenes. I love the brick furnace which houses a wood fire, great for winter wining. Some of my wine-themed watercolors are on their walls.

Pitt sepia technical pen, some touch-up in the studio, 7 1/2" x 8 3/4", February 1, 2014.

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