Saturday, March 29, 2014

Domes of Fire detail

I used to get commissions from collectors for large pieces. Many of these large pieces were my cityscapes filled with a mad amount of detail. They took me months to do, painted in acrylic using teeny weeny brushes. I did four of them during the 1990s and this is an excerpt from the third of the four, "Domes of Fire." "Domes" was based on a series called the "Tamuli" by David Eddings, the same guy who brought you Belgarath, Garion, Ce'Nedra, Barak, and all those other traditional fantasy players. In "Domes" you get to see another world (or another part of that same world) and travel to Fabulous Cathay where the capital city, Matherion, is coated with iridescent shell and mosaic fragments. My picture depicted the arrival of the Western Queen and her entourage at the domed city. This excerpt shows the Imperial Palace, all done in lustrous blue. This was quite a job I'll tell you. 

"Domes of Fire" is acrylic on Masonite, 30" x 20", spring and summer 1998. This is a repeat appearance of "Domes." I last featured it in 2010. Clickonthepic for a larger view.

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