Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Knight's Homecoming

In this small picture, a weary Knight returns, alone, to the castle he left many years ago. It looks the worse for wear and it may even be deserted. This was inspired by the work of David Eddings though it isn't from any one of his books.

This is painted on paper which warped when paint was applied to it, giving the golden sky unnecessary vertical "ribbing." There is no easy way to correct this in Photoshop, I would have to totally re-paint that area, so I've just left it as it was.

"Knight's Homecoming" is gouache and pencil on dark brown paper, 10" x 7", October 1997. Click on the image for a larger view.


  1. Very nice, moody and I think a wonderful picture. I think the lines in the sky add to the mood but as for fixing it, I could, it is not an easy fix, but it can be done. And I am the non-computer one.
