Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Radioactive Beach

If the guys at "Spitpaint" can turn out interesting little pictures on a theme in 20 minutes, well, so can I. This piece, on the theme of "Radioactive Beach," is inspired by the destruction of the Fukushima nuclear plant complex in Japan by the tsunami of 2011. Anybody here in North America remember that? The disaster is still going on but it somehow doesn't get in the news any more. I did this piece while listening to a piece of very dark ambient music, played live and improvised as I listened by the adventurous "Darth Buddha," otherwise known as John Tocher.

I hope to do more of these visual improvisations on a theme. I might do them on the iPad too if I have the time. 20 minutes maximum for this game.

"Radioactive Beach" is Photoshop, 7" x 3.5", April 23, 2014.

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