Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Rain Angel

It's raining out and has been raining for more than a day. I love the sound of rain even though this period of weather is cold and uncomfortable. The theme for today's "speed paint" was inspired by a lady customer at work whose nicely coordinated purple outfit reminded me somehow of an angel. Since it was rain gear I just put the ideas together and called it a Rain Angel. Pop star "Prince" notwithstanding I didn't want purple rain. Nor any other dimwitted cliché's. I chose the colors of clouds and water and brought out a little rain angel, an April Rainer. "Eight for the April rainers," as the song "Green Grow the Rushes" goes.

Photoshop, about 5 3/4" x 6 1/2", April 30, 2014.


  1. Interesting concept. Not very purple to me, looks more blue.

  2. Well, as you know, the face really had effected me, more than I would have thought, as the face is what I feel in my own expression when I'm FINALLY at a place of ease with myself and my life these days, those little islands of my anxiety finally dissolving. I like the free form of the angels form. It's nice to see that island of peace I struggle for physically captured in this angels face. I really use this image alot to remind me of "getting to that place."
