Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Couple Portrait with Cats

This rollicking couple impersonating fantasy cliche' personae are old friends of mine from the science fiction fan world. They asked to have their portraits done in a humorous fantasy setting but the cats were real. The male spouse portrays a wizard, adorned with his own made-up heraldic arms, black and silver quarters with a sword and a silver rose. Note the spirits in the blue halo behind him.  He pours magical stardust down upon his lady spouse, who reclines in lingerie while holding a glowing golden iris. The three cats are portraits too, including the one on the right who was depicted from memory and photos as she was already deceased when the portrait was done. Her name was "Starbuck" although she had nothing to do either with Moby Dick or with coffee. This portrait brings back fond memories of the times when I was much more active in the science fiction fan and convention community.

Acrylic on illustration board, 12" x 16", July 1993. Click for larger image.

1 comment:

  1. I thought I had commented on this...another very realistic portrait!
